‘Wrongdoing should be punished more severely’


“Wrongdoing should be punished more severely so that IP infringers will pay a heavy price,” Xi said, according to the report.”

We agree. In fact, if theft should be punished, grand theft should be punished on a grand scale. How can it be that the ‘president’ of a communist country can understand the importance of strong property rights, but so many in all 3 divisions of our federal union charged with protecting the ‘faculties’ of America as their ‘first object’ cannot? Huh?? How does one explain this? Do we have the best government money can buy? Are they independent?

Why is it if someone steals your car they will do jail time, but if they steal your invention which can have an enormous value, they never get any jail time and for us the courts now most always allow them to keep their stolen property? Huh?! Without injunctions inventors have no way of commercializing their inventions. Why is there no injunction or imprisonment? WHY!

Even worse, many large infringers have a long history of stealing with no indication they will ever stop. How effective is an enforcement process which allows if not encourages theft? Why is the system so soft on crime? In essence, they pat them on the head and send them off to bed. Have some courts become accomplices to grand theft? Do they now work for thieves? Why is there no equitable punishment that actually deters future crime? Why is it competitors who steal your information (cyber crime) can be imprisoned, but if they steal your actual technology (invention) there are no criminal penalties or prosecution. Huh?! If property is stolen -federally recognized property no less, shouldn’t the federal government be prosecuting the accused thieves? Why is it inventors must file a civil suit and even then still cannot stop the ongoing theft?? We continue to be pillaged even in the course of our civil suit. How does any of this make sense?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘tenets of patent critics’


‘tenets of patent critics have been that patents are poor quality, that patents hold up manufacturers and that patent “trolls” have unfairly abused the courts to extort settlements from infringers’

Let’s be clear, these are not the ‘tenets’ of critics, but rather of thieves. If you lift the rock you will find the world’s biggest infringers (thieves) hiding in the shadows. As Mark Twain said, ‘truth is not hard to kill, and (that) a lie well told is immortal’. Those who use the amorphous phrase ‘patent troll’ expose themselves as thieves, duped, or doped and perpetuate the lie.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘restoring rational venue rules’


‘restoring rational venue rules for patent cases’

plain English translation: making it easier for us to rob our small competitors

take a look at this page about the author’s lobbying…


Inventors will tell you he and his compatriots are pr managers and lobbyists for some of the worlds biggest invention thieves. Don’t believe the lies of thieves and their Chinese style propaganda machine. Just because they call it ‘reform’ doesn’t mean it is.

‘where the crime occurred’

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘call it what it is’

As we said earlier…

And by the way, why is it when someone takes your car or cash they call it theft or robbery, but when they take your invention they call it infringement? Can’t we call invention infringement what it is…theft? What’s with the spin? Can’t we speak plainly and call it what it is rather than obfuscate the theft which only adds to the injustice?

In other words, infringement=theft. Let’s stop all the niceties and speak plainly like honest people. Then maybe we can start making progress in restoring America’s patent system and property rights in America.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘some will stop inventing’


‘When the day comes, and it will, that patenting provides individual inventors and SMEs with an expensive piece of paper and little else, many will stop throwing away their money and some will stop inventing.’

The large majority of inventors have already stopped. Small entity issued patents and applications have plummeted to about 10% of their historical share. The patent system is now a shell game for us without a ball.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘the intent’


‘the intent of the America Invents Act (AIA) of 2011 to weed bad patents out of the system’

We believe the intent of AIA (or as we prefer to call it the America Stops Inventing Act or ASIA, as that is where it is sending America’s jobs) was rather to legalize theft of our inventions by our large multinational competitors. It’s doing exactly what they planned. Don’t believe the lies of thieves. Just because they call it ‘reform’ doesn’t mean it is.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘unshakeable belief’


‘grueling work which someone only undergoes because they have an unshakeable belief in the value of their idea’

But that unshakeable belief has been broken. Small entity patents and applications are only running about 1/10th of their historical share. Clearly, that belief that we will be rewarded for our inventions has ended. The patent system is now a sport of kings, if not thieves. While Congress pauses to deliberate and be side tracked to other issues over which some or even many believe it has no authority, it abandons inventors and its true duty to them and to protect as James Madison put it the ‘faculties’ of America -such as our inventions, which is ‘the first object of government’. Has Congress lost its way? Has it allowed itself to be commandeered by large multinational infringers (thieves)? The wise and principled men and women in Congress must step up and lead the way out of this commercial anarchy. As each day goes by more inventors and small entities are falling off the map and will never return.

Meanwhile, more American jobs are shipped off shore by these same large multinational infringers. When they cant export jobs, they import workers. Often Americans are forced to train the same import workers who then take their jobs. Even our college graduates cant find jobs in their fields because all these skilled labor jobs have been sent offshore by these giant thieves. Because large infringers are now able to rob and crush their small competitors who are the principal source of new skilled jobs here, those jobs are no longer to be found. All these graduates get for their effort is a giant sized debt with no hope of gainful employment in their intended fields. The longer Congress waits to restore the patent system, the longer America’s economy and jobs will take to recover. American property rights and jobs are on fire. Who in Congress will step up to put it out?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com


‘As the holder of 37 patents himself…’


‘As the holder of 37 patents himself, Issa has been vigilant about protecting the intellectual property rights of artists and other entrepreneurs to help protect America’s position at the forefront of innovation and creativity in the entertainment and technology industries’

Whether or not he is a patent holder, we are unsure if he is an inventor. We believe that to be an important distinction, particularly in light of the above statement on his web site. According to the USPTO PAIR website Rep Issa is not an inventor -he has never been listed as an applicant in any issued patent. However, he is listed as inventor or co inventor on 3 US patents. Why he is not listed as an applicant on either of the 3 we do not know. It is curious and appears to contradict.

According to the federal court dockets, Rep Issa himself has never been involved in a patent suit. However, his former company Directed Electronics was sued twice for patent infringement: once in 2007 and again in 2015. How he came to have an ownership stake in the 34 patents of others he references (or if), or if they have any value we do not know. With this in mind, does his web site statement appear intentionally misleading? His only involvement in patent enforcement (‘protecting …intellectual property rights’) could only have been as a defendant -an infringer.

Further, based on his conduct and the bills he has had a hand in, it gives us every indication his sensibilities and interests are completely aligned with large infringers (thieves), not with inventors. Why does he align himself so? All their bills ever do is further weaken property rights so large multinationals can ransack and loot their small competitors, running through the streets taking everything they can carry. Where is rule of law? Why do the courts not stop this commercial rioting?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com


‘nuisance lawsuits’


‘pursue regulatory and legislative reforms aimed at curbing what it sees as nuisance lawsuits over patent litigation’

their definition of ‘nuisance lawsuits’: whenever we are sued

Don’t believe the lies of thieves and their Chinese style propaganda. Just because they call it ‘reform’ doesn’t mean it is. All their ‘reforms’ do is further legalize theft of small competitor inventions which is already easy for large corps.

Sure they have thousands of patents, but with few exceptions they’re patents no one uses -not even them. There are patents and then there are patents. What large multinationals are worried about is small competitors who truly do create meaningful inventions getting a toe hold in their markets with revolutionary inventions and using patents to keep them from copying those inventions and grinding their small competitors into dust.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

’empty office space’


’empty office space’

Unfortunately, that is largely what inventors and small entities have been reduced to as a result of legislative and judicial changes to the patent system since the 2006 eBay SCOTUS decision. We no longer have a fair chance to commercialize our inventions. When we have to fight to get or keep our patents we go out of business, or end up as a shell of what we hoped to become. Patents are simply too hard, expensive and slow to get and enforce. Infringers (thieves) -especially large multinationals, are mostly able to take what they want without being held accountable. For years now these property raiders have been plundering their small competitors, taking everything they can carry off. Is there any rule of law left? Will property once again be respected and protected by the federal government?

It’s interesting that a franchising company that essentially only has to offer a trade name and business plan chooses to attack a small business that at least has a business based on a technology. We wonder how Culvers would feel if a competitor used their name and copied their business plan and began operating in their markets? Hypocritical, no? If Culvers didn’t regard the technology in question as being useful, they wouldn’t be USING it. Yet they claim a patent should never have issued for it. Are they suggesting the government issue patents only for inventions that are NOT useful??

Curiously, some in Congress continue the charade of parading infringers before committees while completely disregarding inventors -always the thieves and never the truly ‘disenfranchised’. Hmmm. And why do they continue to align themselves with thieves and their stolen property?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to truly reform the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com