‘sounding the alarm’


‘Others have been sounding the alarm about the adverse effects of the AIA for some time now.’

We have repeatedly been doing so, but there are far more problems that must be addressed than those caused by AIA alone. We agree that the Massie bill is certainly a step in the right direction -monumentally better than all others which only further debase the American patent system.  However, and for example, it does not in our opinion fully restore injunctions to the prior CAFC standard so that injunctions will issue ‘absent exceptional circumstances’. We believe inventors and small businesses will still be unable to obtain injunctions though our large infringing competitors likely will. Without injunctions we have no hope of ever being able to commercialize our inventions so we will remain disenfranchised by a patent system which has legalized theft of our inventions. Sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’.

Also, there are many other changes needed to restore the patent system to where inventors will once again have a fair expectation we will be able to commercialize our inventions. Those additional changes which are included in our proposed measures (3, 4, 6, 8, etc.) and all others will be included in our bill which we are now drafting.

We applaud Rep Massie and his colleagues for their efforts and welcome the opportunity to work with them and all our other friends in Congress who truly wish to restore the American patent system. It has been ‘reformed’ to death. We will continue to update them on the progress of our bill and welcome their input and participation.

‘minimizing patent granting mistakes’


‘All of us want a system that supports innovation by maximizing patent quality and minimizing patent granting mistakes.’

plain English translation: let’s make it too hard, slow and expensive for our small competitors to use the American patent system. Then we can rob and crush them.

First, who is ‘us’? Take a look at their web site:



So now they’re calling themselves ‘inventors’, not investors. We suggest calling themselves the ‘High Tech Invention Thieves Alliance’ will be far more catchy…and accurate. While they may have lots of patents, on the balance they are far more technology users (infringers/thieves?) than creators. Take a look at the federal dockets and how often they are sued for patent infringement versus sue competitors. You will find they are far more often defendants than plaintiffs in patent suits. Is that because seldom do they or anyone else use their patents? Sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’.

‘Innovation THEFT is thriving in the U.S.’

Inventors and the federal dockets will tell you they are some of the worlds largest repeat infringers (invention thieves).  Don’t believe the lies of thieves. What they’re really after is to make the American  patent system a sport of thieves.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘U.S. Chamber of Commerce’


‘Supporters of the administrative reviews, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, point out that the rapid acceleration of technological change has led the field to become flooded with patents.’

So say large multinational serial infringers (thieves) and their partners in crime. All post issue admin reviews do is make it easier for them to rob and crush their small competitors. Sure those reviews are great…so long as their patents aren’t the ones being reviewed! Thanks in no small part to those reviews our patents are now, with few exceptions, like the paper money issued by the Continental Congress back at the time of the revolution: “not worth a Continental”. Don’t believe the lies of thieves and their Chinese style propaganda.

‘loosening of patenting standards’

‘the US is atop THEIR rankings’

All their proposed changes ever do it make it easier (it’s already easy) for them to steal our inventions. Sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com