‘aggressively securing patents’


Since 2015 a number of banks, including Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, have been aggressively securing patents for banking-related technologies. At the time, it was unclear what banks wanted out of their investments — was it a defensive move against being sued by patent trolls, or a way to take a more assertive advantage of innovations they owned?’

We firmly believe this was part of the general strategy of large multinationals -to pervert the American patent system so they could obtain and enforce patents while their small competitors were unable as a result of the patent system becoming too slow, expensive and difficult for all but large monopolies to play in. Our patents are now, with few exceptions, like the paper money issued by the Continental Congress back at the time of the revolution: “not worth a Continental”. No doubt, for inventors it is now a sport of thieves. Those thieves have ‘reformed’ it to death. Sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘inhibit innovation’


‘Kaufman says they are also keen to ensure patents don’t inhibit innovation in blockchain’

what they really mean: they are keen to ensure the American patent system doesn’t stop them from robbing and crushing their small competitors

Take a look at their exec cmte…


Inventors will tell you they are just another trade group of lobbyists for large multinational repeat infringers. Don’t believe the lies of thieves and their paid puppets -some who pose as reporters when they are in reality part of their Chinese style propaganda machine. Sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com



‘One of his first helpful actions is a new rule proposal that forces an administrative “patent death panel” at the UPSTO to interpret patents in the same way that the federal courts interpret patents: narrowly.’

We backed Director Iancu’s nomination and we support him and are hopeful he will be the sort of Director we expected. But even with the best intent there is a limit to what he can do. When the present legislative and judicial laws make it too hard, expensive and slow for us to get, keep and enforce our patents inventors and small businesses cannot commercialize our inventions or even benefit in any material way. How can we? Inventors now often have to fight years if not decades just to get our patents, only to lose them in an administrative review  we believe to be wholly unconstitutional which denies us our rights. Together they have taken our property and blocked us from  commercializing our inventions. With that type of Berlin Wall we simply have no fair chance. That’s why Congress must step up to enact law that will restore the patent system which is for us now a sport of thieves –allowing our large multinational competitors to rob and crush us. We are working with our friends in Congress to draft such a bill which will do just that: none of this fake ‘reform’ proffered by large infringers (thieves) and their partners in crime. We continue the work of building our cmtes and drafting our bill so we together can…


For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

What is patentable?

In recent history the courts have so constrained the field of patentable subject matter that inventors no longer know what work can be protected -what is patentable. The seemingly endless enlargement of judicially created exceptions such as with the “abstract idea” doctrine in the SCOTUS Alice decision and many other adverse decisions of SCOTUS and other courts has left many inventors and small businesses mid stream without a paddle. As Judge Michel has said, ‘it appears they do not know what they are doing’.

The state of patentable subject matter and established means for claiming them were relied on by inventors and the basis for their investigation in their fields with the belief that if they solved various scientific, commercial and technical problems they would be granted a patent which would secure for them their markets with an exclusive period for a minimum of 17 years as promised by the American Inventor Protection Act. But similar to the American colonies who had charters from England and trusting in those charters forged a new world only to have Parliament subsequently declare it had the authority to enact laws for the colonies in “all matters whatsoever” -stripping the colonial legislatures of that authority, inventors built new fields believing in and relying on the promise that they would obtain patents to allow them to commercialize their inventions. They struggled through their part of the bargain risking all, only to find the courts and Congress denied their rights to their discoveries and developments. Has 18th century Parliament risen from the ashes, this time to ensnare and deny American inventors the right to their ‘faculties’, the protection of which as James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers is ‘the first object of government’?

On “abstract”

“Abstract ideas are not patentable”

‘will be revoked by the PTAB once proven valuable’

What Congress and the courts must understand is that inventors will not work fields  they cannot own -no more than a farmer would plant corn or a rancher herd cattle he does not own. It’s about property. Show us a country with weak or ineffective property rights and we’ll show you a country with high unemployment and a weak economy. Sound familiar? That substantially explains why small entity issued patents and filed applications have plummeted to only about 10% of their historical shares, if not less and still falling.

But without us pushing them large multinationals have no reason to invest in R&D as they are content to continue milking their established markets with existing technologies and products so long as they can. Years ago in a moment of candor Microsoft was on record stating they only sought patents because their competitors do.

Meanwhile, large multinationals export more and more American jobs offshore. When they cant export jobs they import workers that displace Americans and our college graduates can no longer find jobs in their fields of study. America’s economy substantially depends on its technological leadership which is ending. It will not ‘rise up from the ashes’ until the American patent system has been restored. We continue the work to revise and reorganize our measures as we form our committees to draft our bill to accomplish that goal.

‘PTAB Fails to Consider Arguments in Reply Brief’


‘PTAB Fails to Consider Arguments in Reply Brief’

This is not the first time this has happened. It is an indicator of the systemic prolonged widespread abuse of inventors and their rights by the PTO. But few inventors have the resources to fight back. Is the PTO our enemy? That is why we need the right to sue the PTO for damages for the suffering they have inflicted on us. Any branch of government which denies Americans their property or other rights must be held accountable.

USPTO innerworkings

These are reasons why inventors have come to regard the PTO as the Large Infringer’s Patent Office. They exist not to help us obtain strong patents (for the little good they now do us as many courts similarly seem to exist almost solely to legalize theft of our inventions), but rather to refuse us our property and other natural and common law rights. This is why small entity patents and applications  have plummeted to only about 10% of their historical shares, if not less and still falling.

Meanwhile, our large multinational infringers move more and more American jobs off shore. When they can export jobs they import workers that displace Americans and is substantially why Americans can’t find a good paying full time job and why our college graduates can’t find work in their technical fields and have to accept low paying part time jobs outside of. The patent system for us has become a sham.

We are working to draft our bill with our friends in Congress to restore the patent system and the vision of America’s founders.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘Collapse of U.S. Patent Policy’


‘Collapse of U.S. Patent Policy’

It is not just the policy that has collapsed, but the system itself. It is far too slow, expensive and hard for inventors to get, keep and enforce our patents. That is why small entity issued patents and filed applications have collapsed to about only 10% of their historical shares. For us the patent system is all but dead. We have no fair chance of ever commercializing our inventions, or even benefiting from them in any material way. But sometimes, as in the case of big business fat cats, great heft comes from grand theft. It gives a new meaning to the old phrase, the ‘filthy rich’. When thieves control the White House, Congress and the courts by way of campaign contributions, blackmail, big business propaganda, or other means, America loses. Don’t believe the lies of thieves.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘Engine, EFF are Shills…’


‘Engine, EFF are Shills…’

We are convinced large multinational serial infringers have conspired to topple the American patent system: to make it a sport of thieves.

‘Innovation THEFT is thriving in the U.S.’

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘recently proposed agency rule’


‘the recently proposed agency rule which would change the standard of claim construction’

Certainly there are many things that can be done to improve post issue reviews, none of which answer to their most glaring problems: they deny the rights of Americans, such as due process and trial by jury. Some things are just so fundamentally flawed that the only sensible approach is to abolish them forever.

‘But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg…’

‘Patent Owners bear no burden for proving that challenged claims are not obvious’

‘abuse of that process began shortly after’

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘steel imports are a threat to national security’


‘steel imports are a threat to national security’

No doubt, certain industries can be vital to the ability of any nation to defend itself. For example, if a nation relies on foreign suppliers for crucial materials or manufacturing to build its ships, planes and weapons it can find itself materially unable to defend itself in time of war if those suppliers are native to adverse nations or allies of. This was a substantial problem in the Revolutionary war where the colonies had to secure arms and materials from outside as we were then predominantly an agricultural nation with little means of producing arms and supplies ourselves. Previously most all our manufactured goods were supplied by England, or by way of as forced on the colonies by England.

But that same reasoning applies not to just suppliers of materials and manufacturing, but the technologies those goods are built using. If the technologies of the other nations are meaningfully more advanced, all the native materials and manufacturing may do the country little good. Do we really want to fight a war with biplanes? That’s why it is of critical importance for America to maintain its competitive advantage in technology. To do that we need a patent system which rewards and encourages invention. The present patent system in America fails substantially to do that. For example, small entity issued patents and filed applications are down to about 10% of their historical shares, if not less and still falling. We believe then the American patent system is vital not only to the health of its economy, but to its ability to defend itself. So in our view the health of the patent system is at least as vital as the health of its manufacturing and is in fact the bedrock of manufacturing and industry in general. After all, there’s only so much leveling of the playing field that can be done by levying tariffs on imports. It’s not just about the price, it’s about the product too. At some point American goods will not sell here or anywhere else if the product is substantially inferior to imports -if not obsolete.

Let us then work together to restore the patent system and by it strengthen not only America’s economy and jobs market, but its very ability to defend itself.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com