‘it is more difficult’


Simply put, it is more difficult for independent inventors and small business owners to assert their rights to their inventions today for many reasons , including the following.’

More importantly, for all but few it is now impossible to commercialize.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘legal costs devoured the entire estate’


‘Dickens’ famous case ended when legal costs devoured the entire estate’

It is a similar if not worse problem today for inventors and small businesses. It takes us years and hundreds of thousands to get our patents and then we find we are unable to enforce them, or keep if we try. That is why by our last study small entity issued patents and filings are down to only 10% of their historical shares, if not less and still falling. It makes more sense for us to take our inventions to our graves rather than risk our families well being on fool’s gold. Why bother when we’re beaten before we begin? For a large number of us the patent system is dead. To our horror it has been reformed to death by misinformed and misguided legislators and jurists. Is there any rule of law left in America? All these changes, guided by the hands of our large thieving competitors, have crushed us. Do any of us truly own our property or have rights? What happened to the inalienable rights America’s founders spoke of?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com