‘become a dictatorship’


In the above film “Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)” beginning at 28:40, a German law professor as witness describes the changes in the position of judges and the German legal system at the time the Nazis came into power preceding WW2.

“The position of the judges was one of complete independence…The right to appeal was eliminated…The (Supreme) Court was replaced by Peoples and special courts.”

In essence, Constitutional courts were replaced with administrative “courts”, with “judges” who were now controlled by a ‘dictatorship’. Inventors have first hand knowledge of these types of “courts”. They have unjustly and unlawfully stripped us of our rights and property.

Has America completely degenerated from a Republic to a democracy (which James Madison and other founders regarded as mob rule) and finally into a dictatorship like Nazi Germany? Who sponsored the America Invents Act which in part denies our access to lawful courts for our most valuable properties? Who were the majority judges in the Alice, eBay and other such SCOTUS decisions which deny our very right to our inventions and our right to an injunction to stop their theft, among other attacks on our rights? Do they have “complete independence”?

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘invalidate these patents without rhyme or reason’


‘They continue to invalidate these patents without rhyme or reason.’

We agree. Since the eBay decision in 2005, a collection of decisions from SCOTUS have made it impossible for inventors and small businesses to obtain worthwhile patents. Whatever we get from the Patent Office after years of fighting them is essentially worthless. We cant enforce them. Meanwhile, our large multinational infringing (thieving) competitors carry the store out the front door in broad daylight. Is the day of the generalist judge in our high court past?

We believe SCOTUS must be reorganized as in our bill with judges who are expert in patent law hearing all IP cases -judges who recognize and respect property and other ‘unalienable’, Constitutional and ‘natural’ rights. It’s time to restore our patent system starting at the top.

For us this patent system is a con artist who coerces inventors to keep paying in order to keep our applications alive to have any hope of ever benefiting from them, though in reality as it now stands there is none. Inventors, say hello to your federal government.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com

‘classified file from the Patriot missile program’


‘classified file from the Patriot missile program’

As we wrote earlier, national security has always been an important reason for countries to have thriving technology and industrial sectors. American colonists learned quickly about those needs as our developing country was predominately agricultural based and found it necessary to secure arms elsewhere to support our effort to separate from England. You can’t make guns and ammunition from a wheat field and you can’t fight a war with ox and plow. We exported raw materials to England and in turn imported all finished goods from and through them as England unjustly imposed on us.

But you can’t have either thriving technology or industrial sectors without strong property rights. Industrialists will not build factories unless they can own them. We will not build them for the state to seize. Nor will inventors create technologies if they can’t own their creations and discoveries -if others are permitted to take what they want and defy us to stop them while our laws make it harder, slower, and more expensive for us to obtain patents and when the courts unjustly refuse to enforce any patents we may get after years or even decades of fighting the Patent Office to obtain. They continue to deny our rights. These are important reasons why the small entity share of issued patents has collapsed over the last several years. Why should we invent?

Yet despite these intolerable conditions the mainstream media continues to ignore our plight. We keep sounding the alarm, but they keep rolling over and hitting the snooze button just as many in the courts and Congress have. Meanwhile, our patent system continues to calcify on its way to petrify, through various stages of putrefy. Why has the main stream media been so quiet on this? They gasp over isolated theft of technologies out our back door while large multinational looters continue to carry away the store through the front like a procession of ants.

For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at https://aminventorsforjustice.wordpress.com/category/our-position/
or, contact us at aifj@mail.com